The dancers with a coach from the Royal Train of 1901 in the background
Kinderhook playing by the booking office
Me (2nd left) with the other ' Victorian Staff ' in front of the 1901 Royal Train coach
The dancers with a coach from the Royal Train of 1901 in the background
Kinderhook playing by the booking office
Me (2nd left) with the other ' Victorian Staff ' in front of the 1901 Royal Train coach
This is the last session before Christmas. In the background you may be able to see Bodhran Bev - unable to play because of a broken arm!
A French session
The session at the Stop Croc
Some things never change even though the bass is a bit small!
Sunday was a glorious day. We performed in Rue Lafayette and then in Place St Claire
Rue Lafayette
Sunday evening saw us driving out of Grenoble to perform with Rigodons et Traditions at St Jean de Moirans Centre Socio-Culturel. It goes without saying that every performance, indoors or outdoors, daytime or evening had plenty of food and drink to accompany it.
St Jean de Moirans Centre Socio-Culturel
On Monday we were taken up into the Alps for a tour which finished in the Chartreuse cellars for extended tasting! It was at this point that my camera battery died so the only photo taken on Monday was the one below on the tour.
Our final performance was on Monday evening at the Maison des Clubs, Sassenage. The evening started with an Oxford Fiddle Group 45 minute concert and was followed by food, drink and then 'Soiree Folk' avec des amis du Folk de la region grenobloise. It meant lots of people (who had listened to the concert) dancing to music by Oxford Fiddle Group, Rigodons and other local musicians. This was an excellent end to an outstading 4 days.
We then all moved on to the busy Thame High Street - Adlington Morris outside Thame Town Hall.
The tunes are early tunes like Kemp's Jig, La Morrisque, The Unquiet Grave, Bear Dance, Horses Bransle; quite a few Playford tunes such as Drive the Cold Winter Away, Grimstock, Newcastle, Argeers, Childgrove, Nonesuch, Parson's Farwell and a few Morris tunes like William and Mary, Constant Billy, Mrs Casey. I also include Oxford/Oxfordshire tunes like Old Tom of Oxford, Molly Oxford, Princess Royal and Old Mother Oxford.
It's a good feeling to play these tunes to an audience that wouldn't normally listen to this type of music.
I was even asked by the bride and groom to have my photograph taken with them!
The Red Lion, looking out on the green, has a traditional music session on the last Wednesday of each month.
The view from the side of the Red Lion across to the village green.
The Rose and Thistle (affectionately known locally as The RAT!) hosts an Irish music session on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
The St Mary's Centre, opposite the Red Lion and a stone's throw from the the Rose and Thistle (which can be seen in the background) is the home of the Appalachian step dance group, The Haddenham Hoofers, who meet every Thursday evening.
The nearest Saturday to May Day sees a procession from the village hall to the village green and displays of Maypole dancing, Haddenham Hoofers dancing and Morris Dancing by the occasional Haddenham Morris side and other local sides.
On the evening of the 3rd Friday in June, a dance around the village takes place involving Haddenham Hoofers and various members of Haddenham, Owlswick, Long Crendon and Towersey Morris sides. It starts at the Kings Head and finishes at the Red Lion, usually with a tune session after the dancing.
There's also The Haddenham Ceilidhs, held on the 1st Saturday of the month in the large village hall. The first Saturday in December becomes the Haddenham Folk Festival.
Behind the duck pond is the Manor Farm Barn, a marvellous barn which is used for barn dances and other community events. In April I played in a barn dance for a 60th birthday. Last night I did a barn dance with Haddas Band, the Haddenham based band.
Haddas Band in the Manor Farm barn, Haddenham
The Haddenham Schools pupils are included in traditional dance. Many take part in the Maypole dancing. Haddenham Hoofers have gone into the Junior School to do Appalachian dance workshops. In July, Haddas Band ran a barn dance for pupils at Haddenham St Mary's Infant School. Some former pupils now dance with the Hoofers and lasts night's barn dance had local children from 5 - 17 taking part.