Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Special Birthday Surprise

Last Saturday, I had the surprise of my life when I was whisked away, blindfolded, to a secret location. It turned out to be a surprise birthday party for me organised by my family. It certainly was a surprise - I knew absolutely nothing about it and as the blindfold was removed there were friends and musicians (not that the musicians aren't also my friends!) dating back to my schooldays. As this is a music blog, I won't dwell on the wonderful food, drink and friendship but concentrate on the music. Being led by son to the venue
The blindfold is removed. Absolute shock at 70 people in front of me
The session started after lunch.

Joining in were members of the Oxford Fiddle Group, The Haddenham Shamrocks, 8 past and present members of the Kinderhook Barn Dance Band and a few others!

3 generations of musicians in this picture - Andrew on whistle in the middle, his father on banjo in the foreground and his grandfather on accordion in the background.

The session continues
Adrian and Rita
The Ian English Boodlum Band doing a spot - keyboard, washboard kit, guitar and phono fiddle!
@'The Sailor with the Navy Blue Eyes' - making me rather wet after attempting to vent and drink water at the same time??
Stuart, all the way from Exeter to play the musical saw. Stuart led the jug band I joined in 1967. You can see a picture of him in 1967 on the 10 Oct 2010 blog. He's on the extreme right, next to me on the double bass.
A duo waiting to do their spot! Eve with her great-grandfather.

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